The first and most important pillar of knowledge when investigating CBD (cannabidiol), or really any cannabis product in general, is that we don’t really know as much about CBD as some marketers and “guru’s” will lead you to believe. CBD in particular DOES NOT have a tremendous body of work in the scientific literature because of the previous federal status of hemp preventing research teams from really studying cannabis and all of its compounds. Most people are unaware that the cannabis plant produces well over 100 cannabinoids (of which CBD and THC are the two most popular) that have their own individual health benefits. This means that we are just beginning to understand the massive positive health implications of the cannabis plant in all its forms.
So now that you know we don’t know as much as some people will try to tell you, what DO we know? At The Total Health Company, we get questions on a daily basis from frustrated people feeling mislead by other companies selling them false promises and not really understanding how to use CBD in an effective manner. Also, not the focus of this blog, but the CBD industry is essentially the wild west in so far as the FDA does not regulate hemp-based products and like any other supplement, many products are mislabeled and contain harmful chemicals that the average person, without proper education, may fall victim to.
Now let’s talk about CBD a little bit! CBD is the second most abundant compound in the cannabis plant behind THC. At Total Health all of our products come from the hemp plant and NOT the marijuana plant. Hemp has been federally defined as a cannabis plant containing less than .3% THC by dry weight. What this basically means for you as the consumer is that when you ingest a high quality CBD product you will not feel the intoxicating or high effect that so many people associate cannabis with.
CBD has also been evaluated by the World Health Organization and in their report they state that CBD is neither intoxicating or addictive. This is great news for people who don’t want to experience an intoxicating effect but still want to manage their symptoms from a more holistic approach rather than leaning on potentially powerful and dangerous pharmaceuticals that can come with a multitude of negative side effects and are most likely not best for your long-term health.
Is CBD Legal?
Is CBD legal? Based off the 2018 Federal Farm Bill, hemp is now legal in all 50 states and therefore CBD is now attainable just about anywhere you go. Now that you are aware CBD is legal, safe, and not going to get you high, the real question is what can use CBD for? If you talk to some people, they will basically tell you CBD is this magic compound that solves just about any health problem. The reality is that although CBD has a wide range of uses, it is not for everyone and certainly not going to help with every symptom under the sun. Some of the most common symptoms clients may benefit from the use of CBD are anxiety, sleep related issues, acute and chronic pain, inflammation, nausea, muscle and joint pain, and even improving addiction by lowering cravings. Although CBD may improve many symptoms, it is of maximal importance that you find a company that rigorously tests their products and confirm they are safe with no heavy metals, pesticides, and other damaging artificial ingredients. We have taken the time to make sure our products are checked using multiple quality control measures put in place all the way from seed to shelf.
How Can You Use CBD?
The next logical question (which will be covered in more detail to come) is how can you take/use CBD. Anytime we speak to people about CBD we feel it is important to inform you that CBD is actually an approved drug used in the medical world. The drug Epidiolex (essentially a pure version of CBD) is approved in the United States for a select few types of epilepsy and tuberous sclerosis. The reason it is important to bring up is that CBD is not “snake oil” and does interact with your body. As a matter of fact, your body has its own Endocannabinoid System in which compounds like CBD and THC interact with. Our natural Endocannabinoid System play a vital role in controlling balance and the stress response which is why CBD can be so effective for things like anxiety, stress, sleep and pain management.
In general, CBD comes in many different forms which gives customers a lot of potential options for their specific situation. The most common forms of taking CBD are oils, edibles, capsules, patches, creams, lotions, salves, and even suppositories. Individuals who are looking for muscle, joint and skin symptoms tend to do better with topical products such as creams, lotions and salves. Other people who are looking for more of a broad approach and have CBD reach the bloodstream in meaningful concentrations would tend to do better with oils/tinctures and the different forms of edibles. With all that said, we have plenty of clients who use multiple methods of ingestion depending on their unique circumstance.
- A few closing thoughts you should be aware of at the beginning of your CBD journey!
Safety and purity should be your number one concern, that is why we exist! We strive to educate above all else.
- There are a lot of bad products so please do your homework and make sure what you are buying is actually what you think it is.
- Don’t be afraid to try different products and different doses. CBD is not a one size fits all and can be very challenging to find an ingestion method that works best with your own Endocannabinoid System and body as a whole. DON’T GIVE UP TOO QUICK!
- CBD can take several weeks or even months before you find symptom relief. BE PATIENT!
- There are some side effects of taking CBD but most of them are extremely mild in nature. The most common reported side effects are things like drowsiness, diarrhea, nausea, fatigue and dizziness.
Please consult your personal healthcare team when deciding whether or not to start using a CBD regimen. There is a possibility that CBD can interact with some medications and it is important you understand any potential risks of those interactions.
*DISCLAIMER: The information presented in this post is for informational purposes ONLY and not intended to be taken as medical advice. Our products at The Total Health Company are NOT intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult your healthcare team before using any cannabis based products.